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You can add multiple Radarr servers to your Petio instance. This will show you how to connect an existing Radarr server to Petio.

We only support Radarr V3.

In the screenshots below we assume you are using locally accessible docker containers that are on the same docker network as Petio.

Step 1

Click on Add New

Step 2

After clicking Add New you need to specify all your Radarr settings and give it a friendly name you can recognize. Your host and port fields will vary depending on what installation method you chose.

If you are hosting Radarr behind a reverse proxy and have configured a base URL, you need to specify it on the URL Base field. If this all sounds like alien speak, you don't have to write anything there.

Make sure that the URL Base field has a preceding slash like /radarr

You can obtain your Radarr API key by going to your Radarr instance and clicking on Settings > General.

Step 3

Hit Test to make sure you configured it correctly. You will not be able to configure your Profile and Path without testing the connection ahead of time. You should see a little message on the bottom right that says Radarr Test Connection success!

Once you are done hit Save and you are ready to requests movies!

Last updated