If you notice any mistakes that need to be corrected, please reach out on Discord!


Community Applications

  • Go to the Apps page within unRAID and search for MongoDB.

You will have to set permissions on the appdata folder yourself. The MongoDB container does not have any logic in it to set the ownership.

  • There are two ways to do the permissions for this.

    • In Extra Parameters (you will have to enable the advanced view), set --user 99:100 to run it as the user most containers created by the community run as. If you choose this - in your terminal run chown nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/mongodb/

    • If you choose not to set the Extra Perameters - in your terminal run chown 999:999 /mnt/user/appdata/mongodb/

If you are using a different path, make sure you adjust the command as necesary.

  • Make sure to restart the container after running the chown command

MongoDB Locally - On A Different Host

  • Please review the Linux guides and make changes as necessary for your situation.


There are two ways to get Petio installed on unRAID. You can either import your own template or install it from the Community Applications plugin.

Community Applications

  • Go to the Apps page within unRAID and search for Petio. You can use either use ChargingCosmonaut's (Official) or Hotio's template.

  • Configure the container like all the others on unRAID.

Once you've completed theses steps, you can navigate to http://<hostname>:7777 to start configuring Petio.


  • Click onAdd Container

  • Configure the container like all the others on unRAID.

Last updated